A collection of 43 issues
🎥 A Candid Look at Careers and Growth in the Dataviz Field: Elevate Dataviz Show #12
A monthly video chat between Alli Torban, Duncan Geere, Gabrielle Merite, and Will Chase where we explore current topics in data visualization, our creative inspiration, the tools and techniques that we use, and questions asked by you!
In this episode, we share a candid look into our careers and growth
The Ins and Outs of Discovery Phases
The Discovery Phase is a preliminary step in the design process that involves researching the problem space, framing the problem(s) the be solved and gathering enough evidence and initial direction on what to do next.
🎥 Choosing the Right Pricing Model for Freelancing: The Elevate Dataviz Show #11
A monthly video chat between Alli Torban, Duncan Geere, Gabrielle Merite, and Will Chase where we explore current topics in data visualization, our creative inspiration, the tools and techniques that we use, and questions asked by you!
In this episode, we help you figure out which pricing model you should
A Freelancer's Guide to Choosing the Right Pricing Model
🎥 Pitching Data-Driven Stories Like a Pro: The Elevate Dataviz Show #10
A monthly video chat between Alli Torban, Duncan Geere, Gabrielle Merite, and Will Chase where we explore current topics in data visualization, our creative inspiration, the tools and techniques that we use, and questions asked by you!
In this episode, we share how you can effectively pitch a data-driven story
Notion for Project Management
Notion has become the nº1 software I use to track, well, my life. Personal and Professional. Groceries List and Clients List. Notes on Research Papers and Favorite Recipes.
🎥 How to prep for a freelance jump today: The Elevate Dataviz Show #9
A monthly video chat between Alli Torban, Duncan Geere, Gabrielle Merite, and Will Chase where we explore current topics in data visualization, our creative inspiration, the tools and techniques that we use, and questions asked by you!
In this episode, we discuss what you can start doing TODAY to prepare
How to write a pitch email
Q&A with Amanda Makulec
We're very excited to announce that Amanda Makulec will be our next exclusive Q&A guest!
Amanda Makulec is a dataviz designer, writer, and speaker with a specialty in public health. She's also the Executive Director of the Data Visualization Society and co-host of the