How to land your first freelance client: a strategic approach The first client is always the hardest, but with the right strategy, it's far from impossible.
🎥 How to Present Your Dataviz Ideas to a Client: Elevate Dataviz Show #22 A monthly video chat between Alli Torban, Duncan Geere, Gabrielle Merite, and Will Chase where we explore current topics in data visualization, our creative inspiration, the tools and techniques that we use, and questions asked by you! In this episode, we are talking about ethical considerations in dataviz. We want
🎥 A day in the life of four dataviz designers - Elevate Show #15 A monthly video chat between Alli Torban, Duncan Geere, Gabrielle Merite, and Will Chase where we explore current topics in data visualization, our creative inspiration, the tools and techniques that we use, and questions asked by you! In this episode, we're sharing what a full-time dataviz designer does